纽约导游如何捍卫权益 纽约市行政法典第二十条(部分)

Title 20 of the New York City Administrative Code is enforced by both DCA inspectors and the New York City Police Department. Both issue violations to businesses for unlicensed activity.
– James Hurst Legal ombudsman at DCA of NYC

§ 20-242 Definition. Whenever used in this subchapter the term “guide” shall mean and include any person who engages in the business of guiding or directing people to any place or point of public interest or who, in connection with any sightseeing trip or tour, describes, explains or lectures concerning any place or point of public interest to any person within the city or obtains the patronage of any person for such trip. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to include any person or persons who describes, explains or lectures concerning any place or point of public interest while aboard a sightseeing boat or vessel regularly engaged in scheduled trips around Manhattan Island on navigable waters.

§ 20-243 License required. It shall be unlawful for any person to act as a guide without a license therefor from the commissioner.

§ 20-247 Regulations.《纽约导游如何捍卫权益 纽约市行政法典第二十条(部分)》

The commissioner may prescribe such rules and regulations as he or she deems necessary to protect persons and property in the enforcement of this subchapter.
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to explain, describe, or lecture while such vehicle is in motion, unless the seating capacity of such vehicle is seven passengers or fewer. Each such driver who talks or lectures must be a licensed guide.
It shall be unlawful for any licensee to obstruct any street or public space, or to touch any person or to interfere with the free passage of the public along any street or public space for the purpose of soliciting employment as a guide.

It shall be unlawful for any such guide to wear a uniform or any part thereof and hold himself or herself forth as a guide unless such uniform or part thereof shall be approved by the commissioner.
Each licensee shall wear on the left breast of his or her outer garment a badge, while engaged in his or her occupation as a guide, bearing his or her number and the date of expiration of his or her license. Such badge shall be furnished by the commissioner. The color of such badge shall be changed each year.

§ 20-247 Regulations.《纽约导游如何捍卫权益 纽约市行政法典第二十条(部分)》

It shall be unlawful for any licensee to guide or direct any person to a place of ill repute, house of ill fame or assignation, or to any house or place of amusement kept for immoral purposes, or to any place resorted to for the purpose of prostitution or gambling. It shall be unlawful for any such licensee to impart any information as to the location or address of any such houses or places, or to solicit the patronage of any person or persons for any hotel, lodging house or boarding house or place of temporary or permanent abode, or for any place where refreshments are served or amusement of any type provided.

It shall be unlawful for any licensee to engage in business or do business with any unlicensed guide.


– James Hurst消费者协会的法律检察官

§ 20-242 定义

以下的段落中出现的名词“导游” 意义是任何参与带领,引导人去任何地方或者任何景点的人及在纽约市中的任何旅游团,观光团中对任何人解释或讲解任何地方或景点的人,或在带团中得到任何人资助的人,这一些人都是属于“导游”。在这里提到的人不包括在环曼哈顿岛固定时间出发的游船或油轮上为游客介绍,解释任意地方或任意景点的人。

§ 20-243 执照是必须的,根据政府专员表示任何无证导游的都会被定为违法行为。

§ 20-247 守则





每一位授证导游在带团过程中须在他或她的外衣左胸佩戴标牌,标牌上的导游证的号码,有效日期都要显露出来。 这样的标牌可以从政府官员处取得,标牌的颜色每年也会更换。

§ 20-247 守则

任何一位执照导游带领或引导任何人去淫秽场所, 道德不良的地方或是去色情,赌博场所都会被认为是违法的行为。导游对任何人泄露这样的场所信息比如地址,或把人带到有这样服务的酒店,公寓,寄宿处,短期或永久居所, 或任何有茶点提供或任何形式的文娱活动场所都会被认为是违法行为。


《纽约导游如何捍卫权益 纽约市行政法典第二十条(部分)》

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