





For airlines, currently there are 3 to 4 airlines actually using QUNAR sales systems, they don’t have their sales team, market team, all the price decision is our suggestion; normally, hotline does not work, I want to sale this much tickets in like a week, average 600RMB was a plan, so we will give them a suggestion; solution 1: doing sale the price like this, solution 2: like that you know general management of select of option A option B option C and that’s it . And were dynamically decided the price on our network, and we can optically price based on our search behavior date; consumer normally search airfare information 7 to 14days before their real buy. We have all those information to help the airline to decide the price dynamically; today QUNAR has above over 20% domestic market volumes. more than 15% international ention ticket market, international airline market we go through 3 pounds year over the year; so next year the international airline market we will have 30% market volume, so in such a largest market share, consumer rich and date, we will able to decide what the price run for the airlines.

Qingdao airline comes to us, we just lunched airline and we do not have the access traditional trading channel, what we can do?  We said, give us all your controlling rights, and we will help to decide the price, that airline was profitable from day one; each every single fight is profitable. After that, there few of smaller airlines called, DongHai airline, they have 4 aircrafts, they always losing money, they have operated many years and losing money badly, and they come to us: can you give us some solution, we tell them just fire all your sales person and give us the system, we will try operate for you, and we actually make some profitable we won’t to waste, today they have 6 aircraft and all of them are profitable, so draw of attentions with some middles size airlines of the national wide large carries, they all come to our side, you know, “I have ridiculous rules problems, horrible operate”, can you guess how we open it, we are in there X negotiation with some middle size airline, we think eventually QUNAR can management 30% of Chinese domestic aircraft, we want try to in most of them profitable。


之前文章中表示:“去哪儿将控制机票行业25%的市场份额”这段话为笔者对内容整理有误,实际庄辰超先生演讲的内容为:“We think eventually QUNAN can management 30% of Chinese domestic aircraft”。或许如此翻译比较恰当:“我们认为去哪儿可以掌控国内30%的航空市场业务份额”。

“航空公司的营销及市场人员已经没有存在的必要”一句来源于庄辰超先生转述给东海航空公司的方案中提到“We tell them just fire all your sales person and give us the system, we will try operate for you”。

“而航空公司的营销将可以由去哪儿的系统所接管。”一句来源于庄辰超先生转述给青岛航空公司的建议“We said, give us all your controlling rights, and we will help to decide the price”。

















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